Affirmation and Gratitude To Get Things Done Effortlessly: Mental wellbeing and Productivity

Affirmations and feeling gratitude are amazing ways to let go of or address old negative thoughts and get things done effortlessly. In this article, we will explore how to use positive affirmations for improved professional well-being, wellness, and happiness. Notice how you are feeling right now when you think about all the work responsibilities that have been causing you stress. You may feel some pressure building up in your body.

LASIK Eye Surgery Know before undergoing

Many people these days are undergoing LASIK eye surgery to reduce or eliminate their dependencies on glasses or contact lenses. It is the most common type of refractive surgery. Refractive surgery changes the shape of the dome-shaped transparent tissue (cornea) at the front of your eye  so as to bend (refract) light rays to focus more precisely on your retina rather than at some point beyond or short of your retina.

This emerging popular technology LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis and in which the Excimer laser and Microkeratome (a blade or laser device) are combined for vision correction; the microkeratome is used to shave a thin slice and create a hinged flap in the cornea, the exposed cornea is reshaped by the pulses of a laser beam, and the flap is replaced, without sutures, to heal back into position.

Who are Good Candidates for LASIK Surgery?

It is generally used to correct Nearsightedness( myopia), Farsightedness (hyperopia), and Astigmatism. The candidate must be at least 18 years of age with Stable vision.  But there are certain health conditions that can increase the risks associated with LASIK surgery or make the outcome less predictable. Doctors may not recommend laser surgery for you if you have certain conditions.

These conditions include:

  • Autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Immunodeficiency conditions caused by immunosuppressive medications or HIV
  • Persistent dry eyes
  • Thin or irregular cornea
  • Unstable vision due to medications, hormonal changes, pregnancy, breast-feeding or age
  • Several eye conditions or infections, such as keratoconus, keratitis, uveitis, herpes simplex affecting the eye area, glaucoma, cataracts, eye injuries or lid disorders

What are the risks associated with LASIK Surgery?

The results of the surgery are overwhelmingly positive however there are rare chances of following complication:

  • Over/Under Correction
  • Glasses/lenses still required
  • Results may not be permanent
  • May experience visual aberrations like double vision, Hazy, fluctuating visions, Glare, Halos etc.
  • Dry eyes
  • Flap problems, including infections, excess tears and inflammation.
  • Loss of vision

What After surgery?

Immediately after surgery, your eye may itch, burn and be watery. You’ll probably have blurred vision. You generally will experience little pain, and you’ll usually recover your vision quickly.

Candidate may be given pain medication or eye drops to keep him comfortable for several hours after the procedure. Doctor might also ask to wear a shield over eye at night until eye heals.

Candidate will be able to see after surgery, but vision won’t be clear right away. It takes about two to three months after surgery before eye heals and vision stabilizes. Chances for improved vision are based, in part, on how good vision was before surgery.

It may be a few weeks before one can start to use cosmetics around your eyes again. One might also have to wait several weeks before resuming strenuous contact sports, swimming or using hot tubs.

References and Further reading:
