Affirmation and Gratitude To Get Things Done Effortlessly: Mental wellbeing and Productivity

Affirmations and feeling gratitude are amazing ways to let go of or address old negative thoughts and get things done effortlessly. In this article, we will explore how to use positive affirmations for improved professional well-being, wellness, and happiness. Notice how you are feeling right now when you think about all the work responsibilities that have been causing you stress. You may feel some pressure building up in your body.

Handling Information Overload

Handling information overload is very crucial in the age where there is a lot of information available in front of us from various sources, such as newspapers, television, social media and the vast internet.

On top of such information, we have to remember the information to manage our daily routine tasks and contacts. And handling information overload is now had now become a requirement for a healthy lifestyle.

If we don’t prioritise such overwhelming load of information then we would waste out brain resources and energy into trivial things and suffer to find quality peaceful time for other important things such as relationships, nature, creativity and health.

3 quick tips for handling information overload

        1). Protect your brain from an unwanted load of information during your productive hours and limit wasteful thinking by automating trivial task and decisions because thinking on these trivial things would consume our brain energy that could be put into more significant priority tasks.

        2). Take in-between breaks in form of short power naps, or reading some book on a different topic, or walk in nature for some time, or indulge in some form of art to enable the brain to wander off from current work or problem and thus recharge its neurophysiology with energy and glucose.

By taking these soothing short breaks, The brain also forms non-linear connections, analogies and comes up with an appropriate creative solution that was not perceivable before.

       3). Plan out or design your day in the morning after waking up as it would protect the brain from wandering off in wasteful circles of past and future and also enables to work in present consciously.


Note: The duration for power nap is usually short like 15 minutes and its duration depends on the individual to individual but overextending it to longer duration naps may make you feel more drowsy.


  1. Daniel Levitin: “The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in an Age of Information Overload”
  2. Barbara Oakley: “Learning How to Learn”
  3. Thinking, Fast and Slow ByDaniel Kahneman