Mindfulness at work - Mental Wellbeing

Mindful Emails and electronic communication

Emails are a quick and simple way to communicate. However, one misinterpreted word can catapult us into anger, confusion, doubt, fear, and other energy-consuming states of mind. Applying a flash of mindfulness before sending an email can save lots of your time and energy clearing up misunderstandings. Similarly, applying a flash of mindfulness after reading an email can reduce stress and stop escalation.

Being mindful of how we manage our inbox may also impact productivity and effectiveness. Allowing ourselves time within the day once we don't check or reply to emails can help improve our attention and focus. 

Further, giving ourselves extended periods of time such as minutes, hours, even days, where we don't check our messages are often restorative. particularly, mornings are often after we think clearly and are most creative. 

It is extremely beneficial to debate email and electronic communication culture along with your colleagues and teams. for instance, what are expectations regarding response time? 

Is there any common standard which will be applied to messages to clarify purpose, like "Action Required" or "For Information" within the subject?

A few simple habits can help create more mental soundness with regard to emails:

  • Disable email alerts
  • Allocate set times for checking and replying to emails
In addition, anytime you've got finished writing an email before you send it, take a stoppage and ask:

  • How will this email be perceived?
  • Does it contains the message and therefore the necessary information that i would like to communicate?
  • Does it has to be sent at all?

So key takeaways is applying an instant of mindfulness before sending an email can save lots of your time and energy. Being mindful of how we manage inboxes can even impact productivity and effectiveness.

And to try to is to practice the 2 simple habits and three mindful questions outlined above to form more mental health with regard to emails.

Mindful Meetings

The greatest gift you'll be able to give another person is that the value of your full presence. The essence of mindful meetings is to be fully present with the people we are with, for as long as we are with them. during this way, every meeting will be an exercise in mindfulness. 

The person or people we are with are the main focus, or anchor, for our attention. To be fully present with those you're with isn't only respectful, it also can be an efficient and effective thanks to get to the purpose, cover your agenda, manage some time, and be clear on actions and decisions.

There are three phases in every meeting: the preparation, the meeting itself, and also the closing. See below for guidelines on applying mindfulness to all or any phases of any meeting.

• Preparation: after you are visiting a proper meeting: take an occasion with mindfulness before you enter the meeting (3 full breaths with A-B-C-D). this permits you to let alone of what you're coming from and specialise in what's developing. If the culture allows it, the meeting can start like this for all participants.

• The meeting itself: the fundamental principle is to be fully present with the people you're with, for as long as you're with them. If all meeting participants are fully present with one another and also the common agenda, it'll save time and energy for all. At the identical time, everyone will have a far better experience of the meeting.

• Closing the meeting: Good meetings with focus and full presence are often dropped at a detailed in order that they don't drag on unnecessarily. Mindful meetings require you to be direct enough to shut them and be clear on accomplishments and next steps.

So the key takeaway is that the essence of mindful meetings is to be fully present with the people we are with, for as long as we are with them.

And to try and do is to follow the three guidelines above to use mindfulness in your meetings.

References and Further reading:

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6598008/
  2. https://www.mindful.org/three-benefits-to-mindfulness-at-work/
  3. https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/mindfulness-at-work/


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